Sunday, September 1, 2013

Today is the 1st of September. Where I will be registering at Unimas as a university student. This post is about to summarize all of the things that have been happening to me.
Yesterday we arrived at Kucing Airport around 12 pm-ish. We got burgers for breakfast and lunch (my parents and me) which isn't really fit with my dad traditional taste. (but he had them anyways. hehe)

After that we went to the hotel where we will be staying for the night. The hotel was fun and got good service too. I was too hyped on the scanning card at the elevator. LOL.
We went to buy the last stuffs for me including pail, soap etc etc and take a stroll down the Waterfront near us..We went to look for the famous Kek Lapis Sarawak to no avail. ALL THE SHOP IS CLOSED! Its 31st August. Public holiday for our nation Independence Day.

With (not so) devastated heart we all went back to the hotel and settles in for the night. We did eat some meal before that.
I shit you not that my taste bud just experience a culture shock (not in a good way.)
The next morning, we woke up early. Which is a very hard task for me because its so early and so cold while the bed is so soft and so warm.

The same goes for shower since the water is so warm and outside is so friggin cold. We took a cab and went straight to Unimas.
There I see tons of faces that I didn't know but so sure belong to the same college.
After went through tons of counters and waiting and going through rain (just gotta experience it all today ==), I finally get my room keys. Hooray!
When I look at it, I swear I thought it was somekind of complex code or something.
Lucky for me the nice Liason Officer (LO) brother is willing to help me decipher this impossible code. And to my newest horror I found out that my room is on the third floor. 

(yeah, you can't even see my floor.)
The first thing I decide in my mind is that I will stay in my room for as much as I can. I don't even care if I'm not gonna eat.
Anyways, on my hellish way up a kind uncle help me with my bag. Thank you so much, Uncle. I think I thanked you before but I am not sure because I am so worn out at that point.
So there were 4 mini room in the room? and I got the room with another girl. She looks very nice and sweet too. I like her already. I have not yet see the other room/housemate because we all cooped up in our room. (me included.)
My mom and dad left few words to remember by since I will be so far away from home. I will do my best to remember everything and be good.
I got my study table facing the field and more buildings. It was nice for me (a little too bright. HISSS!) and I am done tidying up everything too.
I feel extremely hardworking and I hope its not because heat of the moment only. I really want to get serious now that I'm in a university.
All activities start tomorrow evening and until then, Kuro signing off for today :D

p/s: I have not yet feel home sick but I hope I won't. I don't want to curls into a ball of emotions. >w<

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